Forensic Linguistics Intelligence

- online since 1999

Dr. John Olsson

Forensic Linguistics Intelligence
Dr John Olsson

It is with regret and sorrow that we announce, to those not aware, that Dr John Olsson sadly passed away in June 2021.
His family and friends would like to thank all who have been kind enough to send messages. Read Obituary
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Forensic Linguistics Intelligence

Forensic linguistics: the analysis of language to detect authorship and to interpret meaning

Dr John Olsson was the world's first full time forensic linguist and practised as a forensic linguist for 25 years, instructing prosecutors, solicitors and police forces across the United Kingdom.


Forensic Cases

Cases involving the FLI include:

Civil Action between Random House / Dan Brown and Lewis Perdue
Declaration in the Random House vs Lewis Perdue Case

Dr Olsson recent cases

Dr Olsson recent cases

Translating rap and gang language of group scamming Paypal, BT and consumers: news [external site]

Authorship analysis of diaries in connection with university lecturer's murder:
the news [external site]


Forensic Linguistics

Authorship is the method used by a forensic linguist to determine who the author of a particular document is. Note that authorship is not handwriting analysis: it is only concerned with the actual language used. Authorship involves analysing documents of all types: letters, emails, mobile phone texts and any other electronically produced item of text. Dr Olsson has analysed thousands of documents for authorship, and has written reports in over 500 cases, both criminal and civil.